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Download Granny's house - Multiplayer escapes APK MOD
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The Granny's house - Multiplayer escapes Cheat runs on both Android and iOSdevices and is ready to generated unlimited resources promptly, all by merely just a couple of clicks, it has been totally risk-free and it doesn't have the need for any APK modding because this is good for amazing.
Granny's house - Multiplayer escapes - An Overview
◎ Granny's House Online ◎
There was a rumor that is wandering around the unknown scary, abandoned house. A weird older man kidnapped the kids at night.
Dorothy trapped in the scary house by the suspicious older man who kidnapped the kids!!
How do you escape her from the scary house?
Enjoy the first 'Escape' asymmetric survival mode, with which 2 seekers vs. six hiders of hiding and seek that everyone is familiar with. The players will be either creepy grannies or kids and will pursue a breathtaking chase.
◎ Survivor ◎
-You must collect 3 parts and open the escape way to escape the scary house.
-Rescue the children trapped in prison by the creepy granny, and escape together!
◎ Granny ◎
-Go through the house, catch all the kids, and put them in jail.
-You can win if you put all the kids in prison.
Your choice and strategy will determine the win or loss of the game!
● Granny's House Online Game Features ●
◎ Fear, Fear, Fear. Breathtaking horror lurking everywhere! ◎
- Shattered building, creepy sound, scary granny chasing after me!
- Everything in the creepy house fills you with fear!
◎ Attractive or characterful ◎
- Little cute kid, Dorothy or old granny is looking creepy and menacing!
- Customize the character you want!
◎ No longer single play! Play together! :) ◎
-Cooperation with team members is essential to make a winning strategy!
-Communicate actively and win!
◎ All actions have a record! ◎
- Granny? Or Dorothy? Can you guess who the real best winner is?
-Various rankings and rewards are prepared according to the accumulated amount of experience.
-Test your skills to the extent!
The current open beta version only provides escape mode.
We plan to add various contents through future updates.
Thank you for your continued interest and support!
It includes updates to improve stability.