Download Unknown HERO - Item Farming RPG. Modded APK Cheat

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Download Unknown HERO - Item Farming RPG. APK MOD

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Unknown HERO - Item Farming RPG. - An Overview

20k Download Achieved!

RPG games created by solo developers!

Combine various items, skills and attributes to create the ultimate character!

▶ Simple RPG
  - Hunting, eating items, hunting the boss ~!

▶ Item Farming
  - Catch monsters until you get the item you like ~!
  - Become more powerful with set items ~!

▶ Various skills
  - Required to acquire more powerful monsters and skill!
  - Use monsters with various skills!

▶ Character characteristics
  - Maximize your character's ability!

▶ Difficulty Monster
  - Hunting on high difficulty, eat good items and head to higher places!

[Contact us for payment and restoration]
Please provide your receipt number and game nickname to

[Contact Developer]
Line Id : implayerline

[Selectable permissions] : for video recording
RECORD_AUDIO: Voice recording when making videos
READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Read external storage file
WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Write external storage file

[Copyright related]
1. All copyrights are in Implayer.
2. We recommend that you install the game through the store.
3. We will notify you that we may take legal action against illegally acquired apk moderation.
◈ Feature improvements and bug fixes.
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